HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

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HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by hfmaxi »

It's time to call this thing "done". At this point its covered over 400 miles on the back roads of northern Delaware, SE PA and MD. It's fun, fast and relatively comfortable to run around in and run semi-meaningless errands. While it was never a goal, and like others have said, it gets attention all the time. Speaking of goals, I believe I met mine of building a homemade that was as good or better as available kits for less money and managed to learn a few things on the way. There are a still a few items here and there that need to be sorted like tuning a sway bar and building out a better storage space in the boot but I'll get to them eventually. Short term plans are to keep driving it for whatever reason I can come up with, more autox and start running HDPE events. I do plan on posting whatever I get up to in the car. Did I mention it's fun?

From 7's at NJMP 2021:
NJMPDC USA 7s_2_reduced.jpg

Here's a picture taken with my father at the beautiful Winterthur Museum in Delaware:

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Last edited by hfmaxi on October 7, 2021, 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by Lonnie-S »

Congratulations. I'll be looking forward to those future posts as your adventures unfold.

Damn! That front slip angle is way too large and the Ackerman is just a muddle.

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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by hfmaxi »

Installed the front sway bar. Bar is made from .75x.058in 4130 tube. Had it out for a 20 mile test on some of the rougher and twisty roads here and am happy with the handling. Car will still power on over steer in 2nd but I feel that I can make forward progress a lot better and can drive through the front wheels now. I have a .083in thick tube ready is things need to be a bit more stiff. I'll be at the autox in Harrisburg this weekend to really give it a go. Will add paint if all goes well.

front sway link.jpg

front sway radiator.jpg

front sway overhead.jpg
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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by RTz »

Great looking car! :cheers:
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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by ohmite »

Your car looks fantastic! Congratulations.
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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by Lonnie-S »

Yup, very nice.

Damn! That front slip angle is way too large and the Ackerman is just a muddle.

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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by benny_toe »

All very tidy! Results look great!

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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by hfmaxi »

Thanks everyone!

Got out to play with the Susquehanna SCCA this past weekend up in Harrisburg. It's a bit of a drive but my local club lost our lot to a mass vaccination site, so are the times. I am very happy with the addition of the front sway bar. Last year I felt that I couldn't really push the car and had to baby it through turns otherwise the back would come out. Now I feel like I can drive through the front wheels and be more aggressive. Car is much easier to control and responds well to input. Day started out with wind chills in the 30's (F) but warmed up nicely in the afternoon. Great day to be out playing with cars.

Next I am looking to drag the car up to Pocono and run one of the fast autox's there and then hopefully head to Summit for a HPDE in July.
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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by Tundra 7 »

Hey, That turned out nice. Welcome to the 10% club! Have fun with it, the season is here.
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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by hfmaxi »

Got a new pair of Falken RT-660s since the set of 615+ were getting a bit old. The new tires would not seat properly on the 6" wide subaru wheels I've been using so I picked up some 15x7 Sparco Terra's. Not part of the plan and certainly not kind to the budget but I think they look the part. With a change in offset I gained an inch of track width front and back. Pict is from saturday's morning bakery run. Took the long way there.

I am signed up for this years Seven's at NJMP on Sunday, anyone else going?

new shoes and laces.jpg
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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by hfmaxi »

Drove out to the local granary this week, car crossed the scales at 1380lbs. I thought I was around 1450, goal has been under 1400lbs, happy with the results. Weight is with a half tank of gas, bottle of water and the tool bag in the back.
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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by hfmaxi »

Got to go and play with some other Sevens this weekend during the annual USA7's event. Was only able to make it out on Sunday but I had a great time, met a lot of very nice people and got to push the car out on the track with some other like minded lunatics. Even though I have a reasonable stage rally background, I have very little sealed surface experience beyond autoX. I started the morning in the green group and got to learn the track and the line and moved to the sevens group after the ok from an instructor. If you get the chance this event is a good opportunity to see some real sevens and all the variations they come in. Video to follow.

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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by hfmaxi »

My last lap of the day. Spent the first several sessions learning the track and trying to smooth everywhere. During the 4th session I changed up where I was shifting and picked up some time as a result. Car needs a tad more front front camber based on the tire wear but otherwise no issues all day. Weather was just about perfect. Will need to sort out a better camera for the future. The old cell phone I am using does fine for autox but shakes a bit at higher speeds.

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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by hfmaxi »

One thousand miles, one year in and Seven life is pretty good. Managed to get soaked two weekends in a row: first was a downpour mid session at Summit Point Jefferson circuit while I was getting my solo sign-off. The wipers got a good workout but don't work all that well on the inside of the windshield. Second week was at an autox where I forgot my half hood from the car being on the trailer the previous weekend. It's all part of the adventure right? Others have said so before me but these things really get attention everywhere you go, thumbs up while driving, questions at the pump, everything. It's always nice to meet new people and talk cars.

Finally picked up a tig welder, the plan is to fab up a storage area in the boot. No other changes planned. Need some new rear calipers as the bleeders on my used units are still difficult to get sealed.

wet at the autox.jpg
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Re: HFmaxi's 2L TI-VCT Haynes Roadster

Post by hfmaxi »

+2500 miles and still having fun.

BMC AutoX 24June2023 small.jpg
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